2011 Mt. Shasta 30th Anniversary Field Tour

California Forest Soils Council (CFSC)

30th Anniversary Field Tour
Forest Carbon Management and
Energy Issues

July 27-30, 2011, Mt. Shasta City

To download information, click here: 2011 field guide FINAL reduced

2011 Shasta event reading list. Below are links to recommended readings. Due to copywrite, we have removed some links, so you will have to contact the Council or others for copies.

Stewart et al. 2010, EnvImpactsBiomass_ExecSummar. Final published report by Stewart et al. on the environmental effects of forest biomass utilization has been published at: http://www.energy.ca.gov/publications/displayOneReport.php?pubNum=CEC-500-2011-036

Sollins et al. Shasta Mudflow

McDonald and Powers. 2004. Vegetation trends and carbon balance…

McDonald and Abbott. 1997. Vegetation trends in a 31-year-old ponderosa pine plantation. PSW Res. Pap.231

Lilienfein et al. 2003. Soil formation and organic matter accretion. Geoderma

Hirt, W. 2011. Klamath-Cascade Landscape

Dickson, BA_and Crocker, R.L. 1953. I. Mt. Shasta Mudflow

Di Tomaso et al. 1997. Postfire herbidides and plant diversity

California Forests Summer 2010. Forest biomass for energy

Briles et al. 2011. Brilesetal-Substrate_ClimateChange-2011

Uselman, Qualls and Lilienfein Fine Root Production Shasta Mudflow Chronosequence

Zhang et al. 2008. Reforestation after the Fountain Fire. J. Forestry

The 30th Annual Field Tour will be the traditional Anniversary visit to the birthplace of CFSC. It is the tradition every 10th year to revisit some of the sites that were part of the original 1981 meeting, and to see new sites where pertinent soil and forest management research has been completed. A brief itinerary is provided below. Check back in the following months for more details.

The tour will include a Wednesday (July 27th) pre-event dinner with speakers describing the history of the area (geological, cultural, etc.) and a synopsis of what we’ll see in the field; a Thursday eve (July 28, 2011) 30th Anniversary Celebratory banquet highlighting history of CFSC. There will be two full days in the field and one-half day at the end for those interested in a longer journey to some landmark sites we saw 30 years ago.

Photo courtesy of Michael Furniss

Pre-event Dinner – Wednesday, July 27th, 2011., Mt. Shasta City. Piemont Restaurant.

Day 1 – Thursday July 28, 2011

Full day beginning in Burney vicinity, commencing with a revisit to the Fountain Fire and ending in Mt. Shasta. In the evening there will be a 30th Anniversary celebration, banquet, and presentations at Siskiyou Lake.

Day 2 – Friday July 29, 2011

Full day beginning in Mt. Shasta-McCloud vicinity, returning to Mt. Shasta.

Day 3 – Saturday July 30, 2011

A half day to historic topsoil removal plantations on Fruit Growers Supply lands west of Yreka. Recent findings from a US Forest Service Long Term Soil Productivity study (LTSP) could possibly cover 20 year data collection for the Challenge site as well as other 10 and 15 year data for some of the sites. There are 12 LTSP sites in California.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)/Professional Development Credits (PDCs) are available for many disciplines: If you have colleagues or friends that work in the fields of soils, forestry, hydrology, geology, geomorphology, biology, fisheries, wetlands, planning and management, etc… please encourage them to join!

This event welcomes families, especially on field days! All ages attended last year’s event. Hope to see you in July!

If you would like to see the newsletter sent out to 2010 Conference attendees visit: http://www.californiaforestsoils.org/newsletter/ to get a feel for last year’s event. Conference registration forms are available on the website.

Thank You,

California Forest Soils Council (CFSC)


CFSC Conference Organizing Committee:
Bob Powers, Jeff Webster, Jianwei Zhang, Dave Young, Gary Nakamura
Brent Roath (CFSC Chair, USDA), Karla Knapek (CFSC Vice-Chair, Winzler & Kelly)

2010-2011 Board:
Brent Roath – Chair
Karla Knapek – Vice-Chair
Stewart Wilson – Vice-Chair Elect
Lia Webb – Secretary
Garrett Liles – Treasurer and Scholarship Chair
Michael Furniss – Webmaster