Robert Coats

Ishi Pishi, Weitchpec
Dubakella, Aiken
a mesic Xeric Haplohumult
if I’m not mistaken.

A Pachic Argiboroll
peds subangular and blocky
A dystric Lithic Xerochrept,
thin, skeletal and rocky.

Solonetz and Solonchak
B horizon dark and sodic
a frigid Typic Duraquod
B horizon hard and spodic.

Musik, Chaix, Chawanakee,
all weathered from D.G.
In looking closely see the truth
of C.O.R.P.T.

And now that you have heard my verse
I hope you’ll learn soils better’n I have
and think about the debt we owe
to Zinke and Dokuchaiev!