May 18, 2012. Brent Roath Retires from the Forest Service. Read his commencement speech.

“Hello All, today,  I “graduate” from the Forest Service….   Transitions, like graduating high school, college, or other life changes are filled with uncertainty, but that makes for Great Adventure!!!.…  and I am looking forward to many new things….

But first I have a few words to say…. THANKS to all of you for supporting the Soil Resource…   It is a very important resource and deserves the attention and appreciation of all in the agency and the world for that matter.    I have enjoyed my career very much, especially the days I spent in the field, often alone, walking through the forest, observing, and having lunch beside a rushing stream.   It is a wonderful office.   And studying and practicing Soil Science requires you know something about a lot of other sciences (geology, physics, chemistry, biology, botany, ecology, hydrology and forestry) and the mix of all that twirling around in my head has been fascinating…  As a soil  scientist I get to be a specialist and a generalist at the same time!!! — I love that.    I feel very fortunate to have discovered soil science at Oregon State and make it my career…  and it still is my strongest interest…among a thousand other things, ha ha….

BAER People:  A special thanks to all of you involved in the BAER program.   I have had a wonderful time working with all of you.    You are all great people–always doing a terrific job in the short time frame required by BAER and fun to be around……  You ARE the BAER program!!   I have enjoyed being PaPa Baer these last 8 years very much.   Thank You for all your efforts…

Fellow ROers,   ?? rowers???  Constantly rowing upstream through all the bureacratic stuff……   I have enjoyed very much being part of EC, NRM, EM or whatever you will be called in the future….  Everyone here has a great sense of humor, are hard working and real smart too…   take care…

I love to be outdoors, especially in the forest,  and enjoy everything I see, touch, hear, and smell (like the bark of a ponderosa or Jeffrey pine)… I hope you all are filled with Wonder and Curosity about the natural world—all your life…  and the BEST to ALL of You…… Thanks for all your support, Brent