February 19-20, 2016. Winter Planning Retreat. Calistoga, CA.The CFSC Board, Membership, and Field Tour Organizing Committee, and anyone interested in becoming involved in support of our summer activities, will meet for a weekend to plan the 2016 summer tour stops. We invite all CFSC members to attend our winter retreat and help plan the 2016 Field Tour, network with friends and old colleagues, and meet new ones. We will once again be returning to the Mountain Home Ranch, just outside of Calistoga, in a very relaxing setting with many hiking trails and other activities! Please contact Scott Hagerty if you are interested and have any questions. We will need to determine exact number of people and cabins to reserve.
January 31-February 6th, 2015. Society for Range Management (SRM). Trade Show Tabling and CFSC Board Planning Meeting.
CFSC Board members and volunteers had a great time tabling at the SRM Trade Show. We had a festive time promoting summer field tour, sharing information, displaying tee shirts and pictures of field tours, reaching out to students and professionals, and networking. We also got down to business over margaritas and Mexican food and planned the 2015 summer field tour to the Rim of the World and surrounding area, to be based out of Groveland in June 2015. Information on the SRM conference and tradeshow is available here: http://rangelands.org/sacramento2015/index.html
2014 Winter Retreat, Calistoga CA. The Board and friends and summer tour organizers met in lovely Calistoga to discuss and plan for the future of CFSC, and work out details of the 2014 Summer Tour with Mr. Earl Alexander. Meeting notes from this fun weekend retreat are provided here: CFSCMeetingNotes_012514