June 17-19th, 2016. CFSC Annual Summer Field Tour. The CSFC 35th Anniversary summer field tour will visit the Eel River Basin in southern Humboldt and northern Mendocino, on June 17-19th. Camping is at the Standish-Hickey State Recreation Area, near Leggett, CA, and the tour will be mainly along the Hwy 1 corridor. Carpooling is encouraged and mandatory for at least the Saturday morning tour up the hill from Garberville, one site we will need to park at the entrance and share 4×4’s for access.
Tour Guide with Agenda/Itinerary CFSC_2016FieldTourGuide_FINAL
The tour will cover many current and upcoming soil and water issues applicable across much of the West Coast, including: the drought, cannabis cultivation and permitting topics (contaminates, environmental consequences, legal remedies, and soil and water remediation strategies), carbon sequestration strategies and their economic viability, and water use in the “critical zone”.
Friday and Saturday we will see chronosequences in an actively uplifting environment; visit restored sites and discuss the challenges of land management under the pressures of climate change on land being managed for timber and cannabis; learn how the carbon market is affecting management decisions.
Visit with old friends and make new! Friday we will have a poster session at camp and Forest to the Sea BBQ with local pig roast, oysters, thanks to Origin Genuine and Northbay Shellfish, veggies hamburger and hotdogs from Organic Matters Ranch, martinis and beer care of Alchemy Distillery and Redwood Curtain Brewery, respectively. Saturday will be an optional evening dinner event at a local hall, with key note speaker. We are offering Saturday dinner for free to students (included in their registration) to encourage and support professional networking.
On Sunday, the tour will continue for a half day to visit the Zinke soils of the Bull Creek basin with additional stops looking at salmon habitat restoration in one of the world’s most rapidly eroding basins.
Registration is here (below) for the Field Tour! Be sure you know what kind of registration you would like (i.e., Student, Professional, Single-day, etc.). CFSC provides breakfasts Fri-Sun, and all inclusive dinners Fri and Sat (or you can pay daily fee and exclude meals from your registration). Meals are also available for individual purchase for those not attending the tour that would like to join us for dinner. Please bring your own lunches and snacks.
Registration form is below.
Student Full-Weekend $50, includes camping, breakfast, Fri & Sat dinners.
Professional Full-Weekend $150, includes camping, breakfast, Fri & Sat dinners.
Field Tour Registration Full-Weekend No Camping $100, includes Fri & Sat dinners.
Single Day Field Tour Registration $75, includes 1 dinner & breakfast.
$40 per single day tour, no food.
$25 per dinner, for anyone not attending the tour, or if you just want to do a one-day trip and add a dinner.
For other Payment/Registration Options, please email caforestsoils (at) gmail.com to RSVP and pay with cash or check onsite, or we can provide our PayPal account to make a credit card payment.