Science Synthesis to Support Forest Plan Revision in the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascades (Long, et al. 2014). Pacific South West and Pacific North West research stations recently released a report detailing new science to help guide new land and resource management plans (LMRPs). The new rules require forests to use the best available research to execute new LMRPs. The report is a synthesis of new science relating to forest management (wildlife, soils, fire hydrology etc).
Soil Physical Properties Regulate Lethal Heating during Burning of Woody Residues (Busse, et al. 2010). Abstract: Temperatures well in excess of the lethal threshold for roots (60°C) have been measured in forest soils when woody fuels are burned. We measured soil heat profiles during 60 experimental burns, identifying changes in maximum soil temperature and heat duration above 60°C as a function of soil moisture and soil texture. A volumetric moisture content of 20% or greater quenched the heat pulse in all soils at depths of 2.5 cm and lower.
February 1-3, 2011. River Restoration Northwest’s 10th Annual Symposium:
Looking Back and Moving Forward Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, WA. “Habitat Restoration and Establishment for Multiple Listed Species at a Small Project Site.” Presented by Lia Webb, Soil Scientist and Plant Ecologist. Abstract: Creek and wetland restoration can incorporate plant, animal, and habitat diversity into project design to mimic natural landscape level biodiversity on the small scale. An inclusive approach to project design is especially important for improved long-term functionality of created wetland and habitat systems. Read MORE HERE.
Nov 13, 2007. Soils-Based Evidence for a Former Salt-Marsh; Jarosite and Buried A Horizons (Humboldt County, CA), Humboldt State University Professor Susan Edinger Marshall and Wildland Soils major Rosemary Records presented a poster at the Soil Science Society of America Meeting in New Orleans, LA. Anthony Baker, of the Department of Biological Sciences, assisted the undergraduate researchers in isolating a bacterium known to create the yellow-colored mineral, jarosite, which often occurs in drained wetlands and costal marshes. Jarosite is often associated with Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS), a result of drained coastal areas. Acid sulfate soils are low pH soils that can harm aquatic life and corrode structures. Fortunately, the local field site where the jarosite was found is not acidified and is being appropriately used for beef cattle production.) Other contributing undergraduate researchers in soil microbiology and soil morphology and classification courses included Marie Petersen, David Risberg, Carrie Alexander and Adam Burdett. View the full article here.